Monday, May 12, 2008

Does High Credit Card Debt Mean You're a Compulsive Debtor?

Probably most people who are finding that substantial credit card debt is proving difficult to manage will not care to dig very deeply into this topic. Such is the nature of denial. We'd prefer simply to ignore any examination of signs that we may be compulsive and out of control around money. It's too painful to contemplate.

Indeed, most who have dysfunctional and compulsive tendencies when it comes to money will not begin to look closely at their debting behavior until it reaches crisis proportions. Only then, as panic begins to take over, will a degree of willingness to examine one's relationship to money, personal finances and debt begin to creep in.

Often, the first impulse when a personal financial crisis erupts is to blame others and assume the role of a victim. Obviously, this offers no solution, and probably will compound the dilemma. Next, some willingness to seek debt help may occur, and the debtor then looks at the possibilities of borrowing from family or friends, thus dragging others into the problem who don't deserve it.

If that fails to work, alternatives such as debt consolidation, refinancing a mortgage and even bankruptcy are considered. These measures can reduce debt and provide some relief, but always fail to address an underlying problem of compulsive debting.

If you find yourself in this situation, there are a number of clear signs that you may be a compulsive debtor. Here are a few questions you might ask yourself:

1. Is it difficult for you to pass up buying something on credit because it's a really good deal?

2. Does having the ability to whip out a credit card for purchases give you an ego boost, a feeling of being accepted, like being grown up or a member of a privileged club?

3. Are you using one credit card to pay off another?

4. Do you bounce checks from time to time?

5. Are you having problems meeting just ordinary personal expenses, and do you get a feeling of accomplishment when these obligations are satisfied?

6. Do you live in drama and chaos when it comes to money, continually having a crisis to deal with?

7. Are you vague about your personal finances, not being clear about how much you owe, your monthly expenses, interest rates and the like?

There are a number of other indicators, but, if you answered several of these questions affirmatively, then you may be a compulsive debtor. Debt relief will evade you until you get a grip on the belief systems and behavior underlying your money problems. Credit counseling is probably in order, and you might benefit from a spiritual program such as Debtors Anonymous.